List of Material Testing Services
IIC can help you solve your problems for all kinds of materials, including metals, ceramics, organic materials and composites.
Material tests
Mechanical testing
- Hydraulic servo-control fatigue testing machine
- Charpy impact testing machine
- Low-temperature atmosphere test
- Low-temperature atmosphere test for solder metals
- Compression and tensile tests of wood specimens
Metallography - Microstructure and macrostructure observation of cross sections
Cross-section observation - Cutting and microstructure observation of samples
Measurement of material physical properties
Special material test - crack propagation test
On-site inspection and measurement
On-site stress measurement using x-ray stress measurement equipment
Life estimation and soundness evaluation for industrial plants and machines
Damage inspection, failure analysis, and countermeasures for identified problems
Damage inspection and failure analysis
- Contamination analysis
- Stress-corrosion cracking ( SCC ) damage
- Fire crack damage of boiler tubes
- Fractgraphy and cross-section observations
- Hydrogen attack and creep damage of carbon steel pipes
- Failure analysis of pipes
- Hydrogen attack of boiler tubes
Powder physical properties and measurement of grain size distribution
Measurement of surface area to volume ratio
Production of damaged samples for testing use
Large tensile and compression testing machine, maximum load of 500 tons (5000 kN) and cyclic load of 200 tons (2000 kN)
Material surface analysis and measurement